Rule Details

Welcome to rule 16. Jury ...

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Organisation Description
SAFFA - South African Fly Fishing Association

16.1. A jury must be formed at the first captains' meeting.

16.2. The jury will consist of:
16.2.1. The senior representative of SAFFA;
16.2.2. The Tournament Director
16.2.3. Three representatives, elected by the meeting from nominations made by the members present. The team captain of the host province may not be nominated.

16.3. All available members of the SAFFA Executive Committee.

FIPS Mouche - Federation Internationale de Peche Sportive Mouche

16.1. A Jury must be formed at the first Captains' Meeting.

16.2. The Jury will consist of:
a) The Senior FIPS-Mouche Representative who will be the Chairman of the Jury.
b) The International Organiser.
c) Three team Representatives (home team excluded) nominated by the FIPSMouche Representatives during the Captains’ Meeting
d) All other available members of the FIPS-Mouche Board.
e) Head of team of International Supervisors