Article 1 : Feature here ask us how ...
Rule Details
Welcome to rule 19. Duties and Responsibilities of Sector Judges ...
FlyFishID Short description :
Organisation | Description |
SAFFA - South African Fly Fishing Association | 19.1. Sector judges are responsible for the proper conduct of the competition within their sector or group of competitors. 19.2. Sector judges are responsible for supervising the training of all controllers in their sector and accepting only those who are properly qualified. 19.3. Sector judges are responsible for the supervision of the controllers to ensure that they are keeping accurate records and are enforcing the observance of the Competition Rules and their Modifications. 19.4. Sector judges are responsible for assisting controllers in rule interpretation if there is any doubt about a possible infraction of the Rules or the Rule Modifications. If the sector judge has difficulty with rule interpretation, he shall ask the Tournament Director for advice. 19.5. Sector judges are responsible for supervising the recording of suspected infractions of the Rules or Rule Modifications and reporting them to the Tournament Director. In the event of a formal protest, the sector judge involved is required to assist the Jury by gathering information to resolve the protest. 19.6. Sector judges are responsible for ensuring that no person, other than the team captain, has access to competitors during competition sessions. All observers should be kept well away so that they do not interfere or communicate with competitors. 19.7. Sector judges may have other duties assigned to them by the Tournament Director. |
FIPS Mouche - Federation Internationale de Peche Sportive Mouche | 19.1. Sector Judges are responsible for the proper conduct of the competition within their sector or group of competitors. 19.2. Sector Judges are responsible for supervising the training of all Controllers in their Sector and accepting only those who are properly qualified. 19.3. Sector Judges are responsible for the supervision of their Controllers to ensure that they are keeping accurate records and are enforcing the observance of the Competition Rules and Rule Modifications. 19.4. Sector Judges are responsible for assisting Controllers in rule interpretation, if there is any doubt about a possible infraction of the Rules or the Rule Modifications. If the Sector Judge has difficulty with rule interpretation, he shall ask the International Organiser or the International Supervisor present at the sector for advice. 19.5. Sector Judges are responsible for supervising the recording of suspected rule infractions and reporting them to the International Organiser. In the event of a formal protest, the Sector Judge involved is required to assist the Jury by presenting the gathered information, to resolve the protest. 19.6. Sector Judges are responsible for ensuring that no person, other than the Team Captain, has access to competitors during competition sessions. All observers should be kept well away so that they do not interfere or communicate with competitors. 19.7. Sector Judges may have other duties assigned to them by the International Organiser, if approved by the Senior FIPS-Mouche Representative. |