Rule Details

Welcome to rule 25. Eligible Fish ...

FlyFishID Short description :

Saffa Chapter 24; Fips Mouche Article 25

Organisation Description
SAFFA - South African Fly Fishing Association

24.1. Eligible fish species and size limits must be specified in the Rule Modifications. For measuring purposes, the length will be from the tip of the nose to whichever part of the tail is specified in the Rule Modifications.

24.2. Only fish hooked in the mouth area, i.e. in front of the rear edge of the gill cover, will be eligible.

24.3. A fish hooked inside a competition session is eligible if it is landed not more than ten minutes after the end of the session.

24.4. For a fish to be eligible, it must also be properly cared for and unharmed by the competitor.

24.5. For a fish to be eligible both landing net and fish must be in the water at the point of netting.

FIPS Mouche - Federation Internationale de Peche Sportive Mouche

25.1. Eligible fish species and size limits (minimum 20 cm) must be specified in the Rule Modifications. For measuring purposes, the length will be from the tip of the nose to whichever part of the tail is specified in the Rule Modifications.

25.2. Only fish hooked in the mouth area, i.e. in front of the rear edge of the gill cover, will be eligible.

25.3. A fish hooked inside a competition session is eligible if it is landed not more than ten minutes after the end of the session.

25.4. For a fish to be eligible, it must also be properly cared for and unharmed by the Competitor.